whats in a name ??

I was born in 1968, the first year Yamaha produced a production snowmobile ( SL351 ). I been PURE to Yamaha, for as long as I can remember. :yrules:
Oh Finally I get a chance to explain...It stands for Super. Sinking. Viper ...Long story short..I purchased an insurance Jobbed machine...it was a good price...and when I
had it overlooked by my dealership...he said its been sitting at the bottom of the lake
for awhile...Needless to say...I didn't know that...but after the first ride...I decided to keep it...
the big secret revealed

Had a 99 500 vmax deluxe at the time this board started. Thus maxdlx, pronunced maxdeluxe. Thanks you very much. Maxdlx
trek - v. 1. to make a slow or arduous journey. 2. any long and difficult trip.

I'm 34, have owned only Yamaha (ride the others all the time), and have ridden over 70,000 miles by sled to date. I am a trekkr (short for trekker), and our journeys are anything but arduous, slow, or difficult. (except when our Cat buds tag along ;)! )
ViperTom.....My name is George and I ride a 79' polaris Apollo 340......see it make perfect sense now that I explained it.

Rex was a nick name I got as a Kid around 9 if I remember right, was also my call sign in the military.
Raced yamaha in the early years of sno-x and my number was 423.....well still is. And the number 42 is my number since high school and the 3 is my wifes. All together it = yamaracer423. AND i was a little disppointed that someone pirated my name on **********.com. Tried to register under that name a month ago and it was taken. :o| So my name on there is SRXcrosscountry cause thats what my sled will be for next year when its all done.
obvious I feel

Ride a mountain MAX and I live in COlorado. It is not like I am in buisness or incorperated.
Part finlander (Finnish), part chippewa (tribal member) and part mutt.
I figured findianmutt would sound stupid though....lol
A DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS......Nickname given to the SRX's. Took a freind of a freinds 98 SRX for a lap around their backyard and was HOOKED! Picked up a 00 700 and have ben "collecting" them ever since......Just need an 02 to complete the set!
A Couple of Bucks was my user name on John Deere sled forum. That was when the Liquidator was still around. Brought my son up on JDs and so whenever we were out, there were 2 male deeres out. 2 male deere = A couple of Bucks.
